Art Speak

Art Speak is a series of events, workshops and mentoring opportunities aimed at supporting creative professionals in their artistic development. 

What event would help your development as an artist? What questions would you like to ask a group of your peers? If you have any ideas, please do get in touch!

Check our calendar for more details on upcoming sessions.


Previous Art Speak events:

Art Speak: Group Crit

An opportunity for artists, makers and creative professionals to share their work with peers and gain feedback in a safe and welcoming environment. 

Group Crit FAQs


What is a crit?

A crit is a model of sharing artwork and providing constructive feedback in a group setting and is often used in art schools in the UK. Artists have the opportunity to share and receive feedback on their work. This may include new ways of taking work forward, different techniques or methodologies, a conversation into artistic concepts and concerns, and learning from a wider range of practices and perspectives. 


Who is it for?

Our crit is open to artists and makers at all levels of their career who would like to present their work and receive feedback. We welcome all artistic practices including photography, painting, drawing, sculpture, performance, 3D design, graphic design, music, video making, film, creative writing, multi-media, textiles, poetry, curating and organising events.

We also welcome artists, makers, creative professionals and individuals interested in art who do not want to present their work. We welcome you to be part of the discussion and share your thoughts on the work presented.


 What happens at this crit?

We ask all artists interested in presenting to bring along two pieces of work. One to be a completed artwork that will help you to introduce your practice and the second work is one that is in progress. The work in progress may be one that you are struggling with and would like to discuss or maybe you would like to talk through the concerns or new concepts you are currently grappling with. 

We welcome you to bring along other works to support your presentation such as sketchbooks, however, please be aware that time is limited and we may not be able to view everything.


How do I get involved? 

If you would like to present your artwork, please contact Ella at

Places will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. 

If you would like to attend without presenting, there is no need to book in advance.

Do I have to be an artist? 

No, we welcome people with all types of creative practice to be involved in the crit, whether you craft, make, organise cultural events, write, paint, etc. If you create, we would like you to be involved, even if you don’t call yourself an artist!

Do I have to show my work? 

No, if you don’t want to present your work, we welcome you to come along and be part of the discussion.